Thursday, September 10, 2009

Most Unpopular Post Ever?

We debated putting this one up because, let's face it, kale is not high on most people's favorite-food list. But last week's CSA box delivered a fat bunch of dinosaur kale, just as Bon Appetit serendipidously posted an intriguing-sounding recipe for kale chips. We're suckers for any kind of chips and, by this point in a summer of heavy CSA boxes, desperate for any new vegetable recipes, so we tried it.

The result was very crisp, very delicate, with a concentrated kale flavor and nice salty crunch. The chips resemble very thin nori. 

The whole recipe uses only one tablespoon of olive oil, so you can indulge guiltlessly. 

If you love kale, you should definitely try this, but save a few for your kale-resistant friends. You may make some converts! 

These would be good with cocktails or crumbled on cheesy or garlicky pasta.


  1. I posted a kale chip recipe a couple of months back and was surprised how many people found it intriguing! :-D (All of us CSA-ers stuck with bunches and bunches of kale!)
    Anyway - I thought they were very tasty and even my kale-phobic husband ate a couple. That's high marks in my book!

  2. We're going to check out your recipe! We've gotten a little obsessed with these things...
