Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kale Chips Part II

Because we know you just can't get enough of them! 

We want to try this version from ValleyWriter's blog, partly because they take less time to bake than the Bon Appetit version, partly because her other recipes sound so good that we trust her. Check them out! 

Last night, faced with a big bunch of Swiss chard from the CSA box, we tried to make chard chips. The oven was already running at 400 degrees for a batch of crispy smashed potatoes, so we figured we'd just keep a close eye on the chips. We don't know if the hotter oven was the problem or just that a wet veggie like chard wasn't up to the job, but the resulting chips, though edible, were much less tasty than their kale predecessors.


  1. Thanks for the shout out! I hope my recipe meets your expectations!

  2. I bought kale chips at a health food store a few months ago, and they were delicious - and $8 a bag! I think they had nutritional yeast and some other ingredients added, too, and I'd prefer a more "pure" kale version. You've inspired me to try making them at home.
