Friday, October 9, 2009

Apologies . . . and a Request

We apologize for the scant postings this week. In addition to the Move and the Deadline (both fast approaching!), we also had to contend with the Sick. We'll be better next week, we promise.

In the meantime, if any of you have a delicious cheap recipe or tip to contribute, please do! We're always interested in what other people are cooking.

1 comment:

  1. One of our favorite quick, cheap meals is pasta e fagioli, better known as "pasta fazool." We use whole wheat fusilli and a drained, rinsed can of black beans as the main ingredients. While the pasta cooks, we warm the beans with a little garlic, cumin and olive oil. The drained fusilli gets tossed with a another dollop of olive oil and some feta cheese before the beans are added. Roasted red pepper and lightly steamed veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower and green beans fit right in. This is a dish that lends itself to what we decided to call "modular cooking." Since one son became a vegetarian, we've tried to find ways to make everyone happy by offering the main dish in modules: pasta and beans/veggies/diced leftover chicken, etc.
