Monday, July 6, 2009

Wine Bargain of the Week: 2007 Mirassou Chardonnay

On a very early trip to California, long before we moved there, our friends introduced us to our first great wine bargain.

We were young and didn't have a lot of money (there's never enough), so when we tasted a bottle of Mirassou (Pinot Noir, we believe) at Sam's Grill in San Francisco we were delighted by the great taste and low price.

Over the years Mirassou reliability has been up and down. The price was always right; the taste was mostly OK, and sometimes almost great.

Over the holiday weekend we opened a bottle of $9 chardonnay to have a glass with a pre-dinner salad. We were pleasantly surprised by the full mouth, and the great flavors.

There was a little cantalope at the beginning, some vanilla, and lots of fruit (peaches and nectarines) at the end. The wine can definitely be described as creamy. The winery claims there's also a little pineapple in the taste as well.

The wine is inexpensive because Mirassou uses grapes it buys from Monterey County as well as the Central Coast. It spends some time in oak and also stainless steel. The winemaker should be applauded for putting out a really good bargain wine.

1 comment:

  1. I love finding a wine that is good and not too expensive. I will be buying this for tomorrow night :)
